Sugarcane Production Manual

Sugarcane Production Manual

Authors: Gulzar S. Sanghera, Arvind Kumar,
Publish Date/ Year : April 8, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a tall perennial tropical grass. It belongs to the grass family Gramineae and genus Saccharum L. It is grown between 35o N and 35o S latitude from sea level to 1600 m above sea level. It is cultivated on a variety of soils around the world from loamy sand to clay. It requires a temperature of 24oC to 30oC and an evenly distributed rainfall/irrigation of 2000 mm for optimum growth. Thus, tropical climate is the most suitable for sugarcane cultivation. However, the sugarcane crop is also being successfully grown in subtropical areas. Sugarcane plant produces shoots (tillers) at the base, which ripen into un-branched stems, commonly known as cane stalks or canes, which are reservoirs of sugar accumulation in them. Nearly 60 per cent of the world sugar comes from sugarcane.


Publication date

April 8, 2022


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Gulzar S. Sanghera

Gulzar S. Sanghera

Dr G S Sanghera, born in 1972 completed graduation and master's from HPKVV, Palampur (1994 &1996) and obtained Ph. D from PAU, Ludhiana having specialization in Plant Breeding & Genetics (Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation, 2009 as in service candidate) and has experience of more than 18 years under diverse conditions. He joined his services at SKUAST-Kashmir (MRCFC, Khudwani, Anantnag) and worked there as Rice Breeder 1998-2013 with major area of research 'Development high yielding, cold tolerant and blast resistant varieties especially suitable for hill ecology of India'. Initiated hybrid rice programme especially for hill ecologies and developed two CMS lines SKAU 7A and SKAU 11A along with their maintainers and identified restorers for these CMS lines. Developed mapping populations for blast resistant in the background of Jhelum (coarse grained) and Mushkbudgi (aromatic short bold) using MAS DH line procured from CSK HPKV, Palampur. He was associated in development and release of five rice varieties viz. Shalimar Rice 1, Shalimar Rice 2, Shalimar Rice 3, Shalimar Rice 4 and Shalimar Rice 5 which were released for commercial cultivation in Kashmir valley. Presently, he is working as Principal Sugarcane Breeder and looking after sugarcane research and development activities both AICRP (S) and state for development of 'High yielding, high sugared and pest and disease resistance varieties of sugarcane specifically for Punjab state and Northern India in general. He has developed advance clones in both the early and mid maturity groups and also associated in development and release of sugarcane varieties namely CoPb 91, CoPb 92, CoPb 93 and CoPb 94 and identification Co 0238 & Co 0118 for Punjab state. His ongoing projects include developing sugarcane material for abiotic stresses (water deficit, salt and cold) tolerance and their biochemical and molecular characterization in combination with high quality and disease resistance. Besides, He has published 150 research and review papers in National and International journals of repute, 30 book Chapters and 90 research papers presented oral/posters in different Regional/National/ International seminars/ symposia/conferences/ workshops. He has co-edited three books namely Conventional and Non-conventional Interventions in Crop Improvement; Crop Improvement: An Integrated Approach and Crop Improvement: Biotechnological, Physiological and Nanotechnological Approaches and also published more than 20 book chapters on emerging trends/aspects of crop breeding and biotechnology. Further, He has guided two M. Sc Students as Major Advisor and 5 as co-advisor. He is also member in editorial board of different journals and life member of important societies related to crop improvement and plant sciences.

Arvind Kumar

Arvind Kumar

Dr Arvind Kumar working as scientific officer, UPCSR, Shahjahanpur, born in 1971 completed his master degree from CSAUA&T, Kanpur (UP) and obtained PhD in Agricultural Botanyfrom VBS Pruvanchal University, Jaunpu (UP) in 2004. He has been associated with evaluation of sugarcane Germplasm for different biotic and abiotic stresses, faster seed multiplication of seed cane through micro-propagation. Presently he is looking after varietal development programmes in sugarcane having high cane and sugar yield for AICRP on sugarcane and UP State. He was associated in release of sugarcane varieties CoS 08279, CoS 08276, CoS 12232, CoS 13235 and CoS 10239 for commercial cultivation in UP.Dr Kumar has published more than 50 research and review papers in national and international journals of repute, 25 papers presented in different seminars/ symposia/ conferences. He is also life member of different societies and editorial board of journals.