Reduction In Environmental Problems Using Agricultural Solid Waste In Reactive Powder Concrete

Reduction In Environmental Problems Using Agricultural Solid Waste In Reactive Powder Concrete

Authors: DR. P.MAGUDEASWARAN, Dr. P. Muthupriya,
Publish Date/ Year : April 3, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Concrete is the most widely used construction material and, for the most part, is produced using non-renewable natural resources and energy intensive processes which emit greenhouse gasses. With growing environmental consciousness at all levels of society, the pollution and health hazards are especially associated with the concrete, cement and clay-bricks industries, coming under intense scrutiny from environmentalists and the governments. The developed countries are farther ahead in tackling the problem by using industrial, construction & demolition waste and agricultural wastes in their industries. These industrial and agricultural wastes are mostly the by-products of oil and coal burning processes, ground granular blast furnace slag, Rice Husk Ash, Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash, fly ash, cement dust, stone crusher dust, marble dust, brick dust, sewer sludge, glass, tires, etc. Million tons of these waste materials are abundantly available and it is discarded every year in the world without knowing its valuable resources. They pose environmental problems like air pollution and leaching of hazardous and toxic chemicals (arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, chromium(VI), cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium, strontium, thallium, and vanadium, along with dioxins and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, etc.) when dumped in landfills, quarries, rivers and oceans. Consequently, air and water pollution have been inextricably linked to environmental problems and climate change.


Publication date

April 3, 2022


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Dr. Magudeaswaran Palanisamy is currently working in Department of Civil Engineering at Dr.N.G.P.Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. He did his Diploma in Civil engineering from Government Polytechnic College, Coimbatore and graduated with a B.E. degree from Government College of Technology, Coimbatore. He then completed M.E. Structural Engineering from Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore and Ph.D. in Advanced Concrete Technologyfrom Anna University with a specialization in High Performance Concrete. Previously he has worked as Senior Lecturer and HOD- in-Charge (Civil) in CMS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore and Assistant Professor in Sri Ramakrishana Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. He carries 10 years 6 Months of Teaching Experience, 7.8 Years of Industrial Experience and more than 7 years of Research and Guiding Experience in the field of Advanced Concrete Technology. He has also worked in various Construction Firms in Coimbatore as in the position of Site Engineer and Senior Structural Design Engineer. He has published more than 60 technical papers in referred Scopus journals, national and international conferences in the field of Concrete Microstructure, High Performance Concrete, and utilization of Industrial waste in Concrete, ANN, and ANFIS modelling. He has guided and currently guiding many Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. He is a member of professional bodies like P.E (ECI), IEI, SEF (I), IAENG, IALCC, ISSMO, IAHS, IABMAS, UACSE, ISRD, IRED, Geo Engineer, etc., and being reviewer of 15 esteemed International peer reviewed Civil engineering Journals.

Dr. P. Muthupriya

Dr. P. Muthupriya

Dr. P. Muthupriya, obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in 2000 with a GATE percentile of 84.04 and Master’s Degree in 2002 both from Bharathiar University, and Ph.D degree in 2011 from Anna University, Chennai. She is working as Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, and she has 15 years of experience in Teaching and 12 years of experience in Research. She has published 29 papers in the International Journals, 8 papers in the National Journals and 61 papers in National/International Conferences. She has guided more 30 PG and UG projects. She is the recipient of the “Best Women Faculty” award for the year 2010 from the VLB and Sri Krishna Group of Institutions, Coimbatore and “Senior Women Educator and Scholar” Award form National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development, Coimbatore on 8.3.2017. She received “Best Technical paper” award from the Journal of Institution of Engineers (India) for the paper entitled “Repair of Damaged Square Column with GFRP Composites” in the year 2006. She has received Honorarium from Civil Engineering and Construction Review Journal for the Publication of Papers in the years 2010 and 2014. She is serving as Review /Editorial board member for various Journals. Her areas of interest include Self Compacting Concrete, Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Computer Aided Design of Structures.