Prevalance Of Group B Streptococci In Anovaginal Flora In Pregnant Women After 28 Weeks Of Gestation

Prevalance Of Group B Streptococci In Anovaginal Flora In Pregnant Women After 28 Weeks Of Gestation

Authors: Dr Shreedevi Kori, Dr. Manpreet Kaur J. Tehalia,
Format: Paperback | Genre : Medical Science | Other Book Detail

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a leading cause of neonatal infection in the Western hemisphere. The recognition that maternal colonization with the organism is a key factor in the occurrence of GBS associated neonatal morbidity and mortality was a milestone in the history of perinatal health¹. A nationwide change in health practices helped diminish mortality and morbidity associated with the disease. In India, however, the spectrum of group B streptococcal disease remains a largely under recognized problem. Puerperal sepsis has been described for centuries, and ancient Indian texts in 1500 BC have recorded that good hygiene leads to a reduction in perinatal disease²

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 Dr Shreedevi Kori

Dr Shreedevi Kori

Assistant Professer Deprtment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Shri B M Patil Medical Collage Hospital and Reaserchcenter , BLDE (Deembed to be University) Vijaypur, Karnataka

Dr. Manpreet Kaur J. Tehalia

Dr. Manpreet Kaur J. Tehalia

Professer and Head of Department , Department of OBG, District Hospital , Vijayapur, Karnataka.