Plants & Folklore Formulations Used In Diabetes In The Eastern Part Of India
Dr. Prabir Kumar Sinha Mahapatra,
Publish Date/ Year : | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail
Publish Date/ Year : | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail
Modern medicine has made phenomenal progress in the treatment of several diseases.
Yet, scientists are unable to find a successful and sure-cure therapy against certain
diseases. Most of the diseases caused by bacteria, germs, parasites, and such like have
been overpowered. But metabolic diseases such as diabetes have eluded the efforts made
by scientists. So far, only palliative therapies have been discovered for them. Several
anti-diabetic drugs have been discovered; some are administered as injections and other
are taken orally. The duration of their effect varies, but the duration of all of them is shortlived. Once the effect of the medicine wears out, the patient gets back the original
complaints. Diabetic patients become resistant to one or the other type of anti diabetic
51 pages
51 pages
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