Plant Health Engineering Among Vegetable Growers

Plant Health Engineering Among Vegetable Growers

Authors: P. Rajapandi, Dr.Mahandrakumar, Dr.L.Nirmala,
Publish Date/ Year : April 15, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Vegetables are essential for balanced diet supplying many essential vitamins, minerals, nutritional richness, dietary fibers, phytochemicals etc., In daily diet vegetables occupy a very important place on Indian foods. India is bestowed with varied agroclimatic zones making it to grow a wide range of vegetables, which gives economic viability, on and off farm employment to the farmers as well. Vegetables account for 59.70 percent of the total horticultural crops in India. India ranks second next to china in terms of vegetable production in the world.

153 pages

Publication date

April 15, 2022


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P. Rajapandi

P. Rajapandi

P.Rajapandi is currently pursuing his Doctoral Research in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural sociology Under Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore as a UGC NET-Junior Research Fellowship. He has qualified in the National eligibility test for Assistant Professor conducted by UGC in the year 2020 and also qualified the ICAR NET in the year 2021. He has obtained his graduation degree in Agricultural sciences in Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University. He has obtained his degree from Agricultural College and Research Institute. He secured overall 28th rank in All India Entrance Examination for Doctoral degree conducted by National testing Agency and ICAR and subsequently joined in Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.



Dr.K.Mahandrakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University is a Native of Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. His specialization in Doctoral Programme is Agricultural Extension. He has completed 6 Research Project, guided 15 post graduate students and 4 Ph.D students. He has published 29 research articles. He has handled 39 UG and 20 PG courses as course teacher. He has conducted research both in Agricultural and Horticultural crops. At present he is the Professor and Head of Agricultural Extension at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai.



Dr.L.Nirmala has completed B.Sc (Agri) M.Sc. (Agri) in Agricultural College and Research Insitute, Madurai District of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. She has got Ph.D in (Agricultural Extension) also from the same University. She had worked as Assistant Professor in Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Community Science College and Research Institute, ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Nagapattinam District, Pudukottai District, Tiruvallur District (Chennai), Madurai District and Virudhunagar District. She had worked as Programme Co-ordinator in ICAR – KVK, Pudukottai District. At present she is working as Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension at ICAR – KVK, Virudhunagar District. She has published 9 books, 40 Research articles, 70 popular articles and more than 100 farmer publication materials. She has conducted several On Farm Testing trials, Frant line Demonstrations in KVKs she has compled 20 research projects.