Physio-Molucular Approaches For Enhancing Crop Production Under Stress Environment
Dr. Shambhoo Prasad,
Pradip Kumar Saini,
Publish Date/ Year : April 8, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail
Publish Date/ Year : April 8, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail
Molecular markers are heritable differences in nucleotide sequences of DNA at the
corresponding position on homologous chromosome of two different individuals, which
follow a simple Mendelian pattern of inheritance. Over the last two decades, the advent of
molecular markers has revolutionized the entire scenario of biological sciences. DNA-based
molecular markers are a versatile tool in the fields of taxonomy, physiology, embryology,
genetic engineering, etc. (Schlotterer 2004). They are no longer looked upon in simple DNA
fingerprinting markers in variability studies or in mere forensic tools. Ever since the
development of molecular markers, these are constantly being modified to enhance the
utility and to bring about automation in the process of genome analysis. The discovery of PCR
(polymerase chain reaction) was a landmark in this effort and proved to be a unique process
that brought about a new class of DNA profiling markers. This facilitated the development of
marker based gene tags, genetic mapping, map-based cloning of agronomically important
genes, genetic diversity studies, phylogenetic analysis, and marker-assisted selection of
desirable genotypes etc. (Joshi et al. 2000).
Publication date
April 8, 2022
April 8, 2022
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