Organic Vegetable Production Technology

Organic Vegetable Production Technology

Authors: Dr. Richa Pyasi,
Publish Date/ Year : April 21, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

At present entire world is facing f rom problem of increasing population burden. To feed a large number of population has always been a challenging problem. Green revolution emerged as solution to fulfill the needs of hunger and food grain supply upto sufficient levels. But it involved indiscriminate use of agrochemicals and fertilizers which caused long term ill effects on environmental health. The over use of chemical based farming systems caused disturbance in natural cycles of environment. The dependence on agrochemical inputs lead to extra cost of burden on farmers and the most dangerous effect was entry of toxic chemicals in food chain.


Publication date

April 21, 2022


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Dr. Richa Pyasi

Dr. Richa Pyasi

DR.Richa Pyasi was born on 27th February 1988 at Jabalpur (M.P). She passed her high school from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jabalpur & higher secondary examination from st. Xaviers (ICSE Board, Mumbai). She joined college of Agriculture JNKVV Jabalpur in 2007 and completed B.Sc (Ag) in the year 2011. After graduation, she joined M.Sc (Ag) Vegetable Science in college of Agriculture, Jabalpur (M.P). She has Qualified ICAR-NET exam. She was awarded with Doctorate degree from RVSKVV, Gwalior. She has attended many international seminars/symposiums, horticulture fairs, KVK programmes, trainings & also delivered some lectures. She is co-author of two books, and published more than 10 research papers, 07 book chapters and popular articles in various reputed Naas rated journals and magzines. At present the author is working as (Guest faculty) in Deptt.of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, RVSKVV, Gwalior.