Natural Zeolite A Low Cost Adsorbent

Natural Zeolite A Low Cost Adsorbent

Authors: Talware Pradip Pandurang,
Format: Paperback | Genre : Engineering | Other Book Detail

Zeolites are naturally occurring hydrated aluminosilicate minerals. They belong to the class of minerals known as “tectosilicates”. Most common natural zeolites are formed by alteration of glass-rich volcanic rocks (tuff) with fresh water in playa lakes or by seawater (1). The structures of zeolites consist of threedimensional frameworks of SiO₄ and AlO₄ tetrahedra. The aluminum ion is small enough to occupy the position in the center of the tetrahedron of four oxygen 4+ atoms, and the isomorphous replacement of Si by Al3+ produces a negative charge in the lattice.

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Talware Pradip Pandurang

Talware Pradip Pandurang

Talware Pradip Pandurang Working as Associate Professor from 1989 in Department of Chemistry, K.A.M. Patil Arts, Comm., and Kai. (Annasaheb) N.K. Patil Science Senior College, Pimpalner. Tal-Sakri. Dist-Dhule. 424306. Maharashtra.