Let food be the medicine & Let medicine be the food

Let food be the medicine & Let medicine be the food

Authors: Rajvaidya Prof. Gopal C. Nanda, Dr Debashree Priyadarshini, Prof. Dr. Binodini Tripathy, Er Subhashree Priyadarshini,
Publish Date/ Year : April 13, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

There are certain descriptions are seen in different classical books like mahabharat, puranas, ramayans etc. related to the importance of pathya and apatha which are considered as good and bad and are also provided in different examples as in Mahabharat, it has been told that “the person who consumes unwholesome (apathya) leaving essential diet, suffers from diseases untimely”. In sandhiparva, it is mentioned that “if the person does not compromise with his mighty counterpart other prise he suffers like the using of unwholesome diet”. Here the examples is sufficient to stronger the role of unwholesome diet in body like fighting with a stranger person. Similarly, in the chapter of Sishupal Vadha, Lord Krishna has briefed to Yudhisthir giving an example of apathya as a “man tries to take the revange during the weak moment of his enemy, for which he remains silent being defended by his enemy earlier”.


Publication date

April 13, 2022


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Rajvaidya Prof. Gopal C. Nanda

Rajvaidya Prof. Gopal C. Nanda

MD (Ayurveda), DM (Siddha), Ph.D (Utkal), D.Sc (R.S) Chairman, Empowered Committee AYUSH Menistry of Health & F.W. Govt. of Odisha

Dr Debashree Priyadarshini

Dr Debashree Priyadarshini

Prof. Dr. Binodini Tripathy

Prof. Dr. Binodini Tripathy

Er Subhashree Priyadarshini

Er Subhashree Priyadarshini