How Consciousness Shapes Biological Evolution : Insights From Physics, Psychology & Philosophy

How Consciousness Shapes Biological Evolution : Insights From Physics, Psychology & Philosophy

Authors: Dr. Mrs. Asima Tripathy, Dr. Rajat Kumar Pradhan,
Publish Date/ Year : December 2024 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Physics | Other Book Detail

We investigate and discuss the role of the opposing principles of order and Disorder in Physical and Biological systems in ensuring stability, growth and evolution and to bring forth the potential role of the cosmic mind as a universal ordering agency. We analyze its role in decreasing entropy by coarse-graining and hence in determining the initial low entropy state of the big bang universe. Since all physical and biological systems have either cycles of order and disorder alternating, or may have chaotic evolution with non-linear laws, the same is expected of the dynamics of the whole universe as well. The entropy of the initial state of the universe could be low because of the reduction of degrees of freedom (DoF) as one moves from physical encoding to neural encoding and then on to psychic encoding of information in a nested manner by coarse-graining. It is by such encoding that this cosmic agency enables the universe to pass through the big crunch phase and then rolls it out as the big bang universe from the initial state of low entropy.

117 pages

Publication date

December 2024


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Dr. Mrs. Asima Tripathy

Dr. Mrs. Asima Tripathy

Dr. Tripathy is a Ph. D. in Zoology (Molecular Biol.) ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), Bhubaneswar, India and Post. Doc. (Molecular Biol.)- ICMR, ICAR, DBT, Bill Melinda gates foundation. Currently she is serving as Assistant professor of Zoology in the P.G. Department of Zoology and Microbiology, Bhadrak Autonomous College, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha, India. She has 23 years of research experience in ICMR, ICAR, CSIR, DBT and has 18 years of teaching experience. She has published more than 50 research articles in peer reviewed impact factor and in leading peer reviewed international Scopus journals. She has great expertise and experience of establishing Molecular Testing Laboratories, Animal challenge platform for antivirals-vaccine candidates and Virological research laboratories in reputed research organizations as per NABL norms. Her interdisciplinary research interests span across diverse domains such as Molecular Pathology, Molecular Medical Entomology, Molecular Epidemiology, Molecular Vector Biology, Vector-Parasite physiology and biochemistry, Host-parasite interaction, Vector-parasite manipulation and metaevolution, Medical parasitology, Consciousness-Life-evolution, Public Health-COVID-19, Oxyradicals and antioxidant defense system, Cancer principle, One health, Eco-health and sustainability, Impression-urge-thought-epigenetics, Evolutionary biology to cosmology and consciousness-existence of time studies. With Dr. Pradhan, she has proposed Metaevolution as the overarching theory of psycho-biological evolution and also the Disorder Theory of Cancer.

Dr. Rajat Kumar Pradhan

Dr. Rajat Kumar Pradhan

Dr. Pradhan holds a Ph.D. degree in High Energy Physics from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India on the role of conscious observer in Relativity, Quantum Theory and their unification. He has 25 years of teaching experience and 29 years of research experience. Currently, He is Head, Postgraduate Department of Physics in Bhadrak Autonomous College, Bhadrak, having research interest in the fields of Foundations of Physics, Quantum foundations, Vedanta, consciousness research, mind-matter interactions, Psychophysics, Biological evolution and Cancer research. He has proposed an independent new Psychophysical interpretation of quantum theory and has applied it to account for some experimental results such as of the PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomaly Research) group, unexplainable by any other interpretation and has proposed generalization of Relativity to include subjective relativity and objective relativity in one compass. In collaboration with Dr. Tripathy, he has also proposed niche dynamics and dynamics of individual organisms drawing parallels from classical and quantum physics and a theory of quantum objectivation or manifestation. He has combined Stevens’ law with Fechner’s law of psychophysics by proposing a power law coding and logarithmic decoding of signals in the process of perception. He has so far authored 53 research publications.