Cucurbits of Maharashtra

Cucurbits of Maharashtra

Authors: Dr. Sachin Bhagat,
Publish Date/ Year : | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Nutraceuticals play an important role in maintaining the wellbeing, enhancing health, improving immunety and thereby preventing as well as treating specific diseases. They bridge the gap between food and medicine. Nutraceuticals are non-specific biological interventions used for health promotion. Owing to their safety and potential nutritional and therapeutic values, nutraceuticals have attracted considerable interest. Nutraceutical food supplement products derived from natural sources are included in diet with ingredients likevitamins, minerals and amino acids but without any therapeutic side effects


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Dr. Sachin Bhagat

Dr. Sachin Bhagat

Dr. Sachin Bhagat (M.Sc. SET, Ph.D. LL.B.) is Associate Professor and Head Dept. of Botany , Patkar Varde College Goregaon Mumbai, having teaching experience of 26 years. Published more than 25 research papers in reputed journals. attended and presented many papers in National and International Conferences, Author is having expertise in Plant Physiology, Environmental Science