Bio-Smart Materials In Dentistry

Bio-Smart Materials In Dentistry

Authors: Dr. Shashikiran Nd,
Format: Paperback | Genre : Dental Science | Other Book Detail

Dentistry continues to change, particularly because of the advances in clinical dentistry, materials and technology. The dental care industry never ceases to evolve, bringing forward new methods that not only comfort patients but also make the tasks of dentists easier. This is all thanks to everdeveloping technology that has brought about a rapid advancement in the dental industry that will shape the future of dentistry.

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Dr. Shashikiran Nd

Dr. Shashikiran Nd

Dr. Shashikiran ND, an insightful clinician, experienced Paedodontist, keen academician, is known for his sincerity, innovation and a thirst for perfection. He pursued his Bachelor of Dental surgery from Bapuji Dental college and Hospital, Karnataka in 1989 and Master in Dental surgery in Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry in 1992. Presently he is working as Dean, Professor and H.O.D., Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, School of Dental Sciences, KIMSDU, Karad. He is recognized for his vibrant academic career, with clinical excellence and skills of highest standard. He has a brilliant academic record of more than 25 years and is examiner for postgraduate examinations across the country for various Universities in India. He has numerous publications in renowned national and international journals to his credit. He is a dignified member of Indian society of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry and also he has been the chief editor of specialty journal of Indian society of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry from 2013 to 2016. He has been awarded numerous honors, prominently 'star Paedodontist' and 'Fellow ISPPD' in the year 2009 by Indian society of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. He has been awarded by prestigious Dr. B. R. Vacher Oration award for the year 2019. He is member of Board of studies and member of academic council, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed to be University, Karad. Apart from his academic teachings, he is actively involved in numerous clinical studies and research projects.