Advancements in Agrotechnology: Exploring Phytochemical Applications of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Vol. II

Advancements in Agrotechnology: Exploring Phytochemical Applications of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Vol. II

Authors: Mohan Lal, Twahira Begum,
Publish Date/ Year : March 2024 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

After the first volume of “Advancements in Agrotechnology: Exploring Phytochemical Applications of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Vol. II”, this edition continues to delve into the fascinating world of phytochemicals and their diverse applications in medicine and healthcare sector

165 pages

Publication date

March 2024


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Mohan Lal

Mohan Lal

Mohan Lal is a Principal Scien st in the division of Agrotechnology and Rural Development specializing in Plant Breeding and Gene cs at CSIR-North East Ins tute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, Assam, India. He also holds the posi on of Associate Professor at the Academy of Scien fic and Innova ve Research, Ghaziabad, India. Dr. Lal is a recipient of the esteemed Dr. E.R. Ekbote award and has an impressive publica on record, with over 135 research ar cles and 36 book chapters to his credit. His pioneering research has resulted in the iden fica on and development of 27 registered elite high yielding varie es of medicinal, aroma c and floriculture crops. Addi onally, Dr. Lal serves as the Chief Editor of the Journal of Essen al Oil Bearing Plants (Taylor and Francis) and holds editorial roles in prominent journals such as Fron ers in Gene cs (Plant Genomics), Fron ers of Plant Science (Plant Breeding) and PeerJ- The Journal of Life & Envornmental Sciences.

Twahira Begum

Twahira Begum

Twahira Begum is a Scien st in the division of Agrotechnology and Rural Development specializing in Plant Breeding and Gene cs at CSIR- North East Ins tute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, Assam, India. Her publica on record stands out with an impressive collec on of 48 research ar cles in journals of high repute. For over six years, she has been dedicated to the field of plant breeding, focusing on the enhancement of various medicinal and aroma c crops. She has also three registered varie es under her creden als. Dr. Begum holds an editorial posi on in the esteemed Journal of Essen al Oil Bearing Plants, published by Taylor and Francis.