A text book of Ethno-botany

A text book of Ethno-botany

Authors: Prof. Dr. Shantaram M. Naikade,
Publish Date/ Year : April 21, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Nature has been a source of medicinal plants and valuable number of modern drugs has been isolated from natural sources. Popular knowledge of plants used by humans is based on thousands of years’ experience. Various medicinal plants have been used as remedies for health care preparation in daily life to treat diseases all over the world. Higher plants as source of medicinal compounds have continued to play a dominant role in the maintenance of human health since ancient times Janardhanan (1963). By “trial and error”, people learnt how to recognize and use plants, including those with a magic-religious function. Tribal people have acquired methods of treating sickness using his local bio cultural environment. Ayurveda and other Indian literature mention such uses of plants in treatment of various human ailments.


Publication date

April 21, 2022


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Prof. Dr. Shantaram M. Naikade

Prof. Dr. Shantaram M. Naikade

Dr. Shantaram Naikade, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Bhausaheb Nene Arts, Science and Commerce College, Pen, Dist- Raigad. He has completed his B.Sc. Degree in Botany from Fergusson college, University of Pune and obtained his M.Sc. Degree in Botany with Specialisation in Plant Anatomy from Maharshi Dayanand college, Parel, Mumbai University. He has been awarded Ph.D. Degree in Botany by the University of Mumbai. He has brilliant Academic career in research field with good moral characters. He has recently published twelve Research paper in peer reviewed, few of it in U.G.C. listed Journal of National and International level. He has participated and presented nine research paper at State, National and International level and also a research project at University level. He has about thirty-one years of teaching experience at senior college level. He has worked on few important committees of of university of Mumbai successfully. He has feliecited as a best teacher by Om Sai Seva Social foundation and Maharashtra state private teacher social association, Pune branch on Fifth September-2021.