Book Publisher International aims to cover all major disciplines including science, medicine, technology, humanities and social sciences. The publication is a joint effort between the author(s) and the publisher. Author(s) are encouraged to concentrate on the scientific content only. The publisher will guide and take care of the layout and other formalities.
Book Publisher International publishes authored and edited Book, short Monograph, long Monograph, Book Chapter as a part of Edited Volume, Book series, Textbooks, Handbooks, etc. The Author Guidelines, presented here are based on standardized book writing norms and are fully approved by the Book Publisher International. Author(s) and Editor(s) should endeavour to follow these guidelines carefully before submitting the manuscript to the publisher.
Interested Author(s)/Editor(s) may submit the proposal using the MAHI PUBLICATION Proposal Form for any of the following types of Books. All submissions for proposals or manuscripts as well as any queries or suggestions should be addressed to the Managing Editor at

Book Publishing Process
Publishing process with Educreation simplifies your publishing requirements. You just need a manuscript for submission. After receiving it, we will guide you throughout the publishing process to transform your manuscript to a masterpiece book. Following is the flowchart of Book Publishing your book.

A few things to keep in mind when preparing your file for Interior Text Formatting by Mahi Publication
- All Book/Monograph must be typed in A4 size (font size 12) in 1.5 space in Double/single column with at least one inch margin on all sides. Authors should submit single word file that contains the following the entire book with cover page, references, annexure etc.
- Each Figure/Table should be numbered, titled. The position of figure or table should be indicated in the text on a separate line with the words Table 1 about here.
- Only press "Return" (Enter) at the end of paragraphs. Using return in the middle of a paragraph or sentence may cause errors when formatting.
- Refrain from using style guides such as "Heading 1" in your document.
- Please use a basic font in your document such as Times New Roman.
Book/Monograph should have a cover page providing the
- Title of the Book
- Author name(s) & Designation(s)
- Address(es)
- Phone number(s)
- E-mail address(es).
- Brief Profile of the Author(s): Please provide Profile of the author(s) in a separate word file of around 10 to 15 lines along with recent passport size photograph(s)
References: References should be cited in the style prescribed in the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Guidelines). - Interior Text formatting is not an editorial service. Please be sure that your document is the absolute, ready-to-print, final draft. We will be happy to make any formatting changes after you receive your first proof. However, any text, punctuation or grammar edits will incur additional fees.